Friday 15 July 2011


Looking at buying cloth diapers? The decision can be overwhelming! If you are looking for a diaper that is an all in one and is adjustable then check out FuzziBunz one size diapers.  These diapers come in a huge range of colour and the colours are not disappointing at all. It makes clothing diapering that much better!

How do they work? At the back of the diaper there is a spot to slip in the insert and adjust it into place before use, when done just pull the insert out and throw both into the wash. For sizing there are three spots that can be adjusted so that it first your little one. Along the back where the back pocket is you have an elastic that you can adjust as well as an elastic on either side of the leg holes where you can adjust the tightness around the legs. Don't tighten too much, just enough that it is snug, but not leaving marks. Also with the many snaps in the front you can adjust tightness around the waist with choosing what snaps to use.

Added absorbency? The diapers all come with two liners so if your little one needs that extra protection during the night you can always tuck in the extra one to stop from having any leaks.

You can purchase these diapers directly from Fuzzibunz or

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